+1 (978) 992-7498 astro.criscraw@gmail.com

Age Progression Masterclass

What is Your Next Quantum leap?

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Meet your surroundings


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meet your moods


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meet the rulers of your mind


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Access all that you need to be your own STAR

Shine, Thrive, Amaze, Repeat

The Ebbs and Flows of your Progressed Moon

amazingly accurate indicator for what your rhythms and cycles are

Each phase we are in is very similar to the traits of each of the 12 signs of the zodiac.  After a 24 year period, we’ll have made it through each of the signs – gaining experiences from each “phase” we were in. Every phase is important and it’s impossible to skip one. We all go through each sign of the zodiac spending about 2 1/2 years or so in each one.

For this entire course:

  • I will help you understand how your Progressed Moon influences everything you experience for two and a half years.
  • You will learn how to prepare for the cycle you are in, what you’re likely to experience in that cycle, and how you can turn that experience into something profound and meaningful for your life.
  • Plus, if you know someone else’s Progressed Moon, you can really understand the major themes of that person’s life for a specific period of time.

“You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do”

~ Carl Jung
