+1 (978) 992-7498 astro.criscraw@gmail.com

Natal/Birth Chart

Your Internal GPS to Thrive, Evolve and Enhance your life

I would like to start by saying that I am not a fortune teller, I do not have paranormal powers, nor do I practice black or white magic… But yes… I am very intuitive!

When I do an Astrology Consultation I am nothing more than an interpreter of a symbolic system: your natal chart.

The Natal Chart is a precious tool for self-knowledge. A true gift that life gives us to know who we are and what we come to learn. It is built based on when a person is born. 

The word “chart” refers to the navigational charts of ancient times. Your birth chart is your personal mandala: the symbolic scheme of the energies, the actors and the scenarios that make up your life. It is your user manual that will allow you to navigate the journey to the center of yourself. 

The natal chart is a map that is constantly evolving, like an internal GPS. And, like any great software, it has updates.

We are like the Saṃsāra that time goes around. With each transit, with each passing year, our perception of who we are changes. Are we discovering a new Self in the light and dark of each cycle or is it the pure essence that comes to life?

Astrology is an empowering tool of this process of self-discovery. Transits, progressions, and all other forecasting techniques are simply symbolic interpretations of this evolutionary process.

How many times are we lost in the same gerbil wheel? Why the same shi* repeats? Why don’t things work the way we want? 

From the perspective of Evolutionary Astrology, we are in a process of personal evolution and the things that happen to us are not by accident. We are co-creators and responsible for this dynamic process called our life. 

The archetypes that operate within our being are entities of infinite complexity and depth. As paradoxical as it may seem, the more we abandon ourselves to the complexity of these internal dynamics, the freer we will be.

“Freedom of will is the ability to do gladly that which I must do.”

~ Carl Jung

The evolutionary perspective of an Astrology Consult can help you:


For what purpose, what happens to you happens to you? For what you attract situations, people and experiences to your life? and, What kind of lessons are hidden behind them?


How your inner world works, why you feel what you feel, why your mind behaves in a specific way, what to do with certain dreams and inspirations.


Through understanding the “for what” of many fears, conditioning, mandates, structures that bind you and that do not help you flow in the here and now.


To express who you are. Shining and shaping into existence everything that is related to your essence.

In a nutshell



Is your custom made GPS.

From a vision of Evolutionary Astrology, we are in a process of personal evolution and we are co-creators of our existence. The Universe is showing you different challenges that you have to decode and the different talents and resources to develop to solve your challenges.

You change your way of perceiving the facts and your whole world will turn upside-up.

Each Astrology Consult answer your questions. Not from the old perspective of “Oops this is written in the stars, this is your destiny, you are screwed” but from the understanding of what the “facts” are and how to, by choice, interpret them using your “thoughts”,  something that we are not very used to do since we generally entertain the thoughts vs thinking consciously. We blame others or life for what happens to us without taking responsibility on our part.

¿List@ para sacar el máximo provecho de tu tiempo conmigo?

Pick below to get actionable, momentum-building guidance perfectly paired with your current stage of personal growth.



Descubre cómo tu carta natal es el manual de instrucciones de tu vida. Es útil para dar sentido a momentos de la vida, autoconocimiento, reconocimiento de virtudes y talentos.



Genera impulso con la extensa biblioteca de cursos online. Profundiza en la conciencia de tu Ser único y prospera en sabiduría, confianza y recursos.



El programa CrisCraw 1:1 Astrología y Coaching es tu salto cuántico. Orientación personalizada y apoyo para impulsarte en tu camino de autoempoderamiento.

Astrología y Coaching Para Todo El Mundo

Los programas de CrisCraw te ayudan a:


REALIZAR CAMBIOS DURADEROS, POSITIVOS Y EXPONENCIALES EN TU VIDA. No pierdas más tiempo y dinero tratando de resolverlo todo.

DEJAR IR LA PREOCUPACIÓN, LA CONFUSIÓN, LA CULPA, LA FALTA DE AUTENTICIDAD, y vivir tu vida con coraje, crear al más alto nivel, y romper esquemas, viviendo la vida que te mereces.

¡DAR EL SIGUIENTE PASO! Vuelve a despertar tu intuición, y protege, lidera, conecta y crea lo mejor para ti y tu entorno en todo momento.
